Mix & Match Go-To Salad
Author: Plenty Vegan
Prep time: 10 mins
Cook time: 15 mins
Total time: 25 mins
There are no measurements in this recipe. It's meant to be eyeballed and to your taste. Go crazy!
Dressing Ingredients:
  • Lemon (preferred) or Lime Juice
  • Shallots (preferred) or Garlic
  • Salt
  • Olive Oil
Building Blocks:
  • Quinoa
  • Canned Beans - choose your favorite
Greens (if time/available):
  • Kale (preferred)
  • Spinach
  • Mixed Greens
  • Other of Your Choosing
Veggie Topping Options:
  • Cucumber
  • Avocado
  • Tomato
  • Whatever Else You Like
Nutrition Booster Options:
  1. Cook the quinoa according to package directions. Meanwhile, prepare the rest of the salad, while it cooks (quinoa only takes 15 mins to cook, typically). Set aside when cooked to cool.
  2. Chop up the shallots (or garlic, if using) for the dressing. Add to a big mixing bowl.
  3. Use a fork to whisk the shallots (or garlic) together with lemon (or lime) juice, olive oil and salt. Decide what proportions look good to you or are to your taste.
  4. (Skip this step if using spinach or other greens) Wash and tear/cut the kale into bite-sized shreds. Add the kale to the bowl with the dressing and use your hands to massage the kale. This means you are basically working the kale like you would knead dough. You're looking to see the kale break down and take up much less space - similar to spinach when you cook it. Yes, your hands will get oil all over them.
  5. Chop up all other veggies while the kale rests and the quinoa cooks. Add them to the bowl.
  6. Drain and rinse the canned beans. Add them to the bowl.
  7. Add the cooked quinoa to the bowl.
  8. Top with chia seeds, hemp hearts and/or nutritional yeast - to taste and according to how much nutritional boosting you want. Also, nutritional yeast will add a bit of cheese flavor, which many vegans love.
  9. Mix it up and eat it up! If you want, you can sprinkle with a bit of salt and some more olive oil.
Recipe by Plenty Vegan at https://plentyvegan.com/salads-are-boring-except-for-this-one/